South African Tour, In a Nutshell

Tazzdiscovers, South Africa, road trip, roadtripping, kids, family, travel

Tazzdiscovers, South Africa, road trip, roadtripping, kids, family, travel

So here is what we want to do. We want to showcase South Africa to encourage families like ours to get to know their country again. We also want to give tourists a different perspective on South Africa and invite them to experience our country like a local. The idea is for us to teach our kids about the history of South Africa, let them feel the cultural diversity of the small towns and learn about how different people live.

South African Tour, In a Nutshell

We plan to spend 1 month in each South African region, starting with the Garden Route and systematically working our way around the country by road. If you’ve ever tried planning a lengthy road trip, you will understand that, while the internet is amazing, it is actually too big to narrow down what will work for you- especially if you’re traveling with kids.

Let me give you an example. We wanted to drive from Cape Town to Durban for the weekend. Crazy, I know! After chatting to a few colleagues who travel by road a lot, I established that a good half way point would be Port Alfred on the way there and Victoria West on the way back (because we prefer to take a different route home).

Basically, this would have meant over 8 hours drive on day 1, where we leave home in the dark and arrive at our accommodation in the dark. We would then sleep over for the night to the tune of about R2000 only to screech out of there at 6am so that we could make it to Durban before nightfall. This is not the ideal way to travel! Yes, I know we could have taken a plane but have you priced tickets for a family of 4 lately? You’re looking at around R10 000 just to get there.

Since we believe that 70% of your travel experiences should be about the journey rather than just the destination, we want to document our travels to equip YOU with a helpful resource. We want you to engage with us and tell us what you’d like to know about traveling by road in South Africa and get involved in shaping this tour.

This is an opportunity for all of us to get to know our country a bit better and find out where exactly Een-Buffel-Met-Een-Skoot-Doot-Geskiet-fontein is. We want to follow the road less traveled and uncover some of the hidden gems in this gorgeous country because it seems silly to spend our lives saving for that overseas holiday when we haven’t properly explored our backyard yet.

Sponsorship and partners* are really the only way we will have a chance to make this dream, a reality. Since we don’t ask you to pay to read our content, we ask that you please bear with us. The budget we are working with is ridiculously small and it would be stupid to sacrifice things like medical aid and insurance while we are on the road.

I will need to write for magazines and newspapers on a freelance basis so that we can feed ourselves and our car, but we will need to keep our day to day expenses down to almost nothing to see this plan to come to life. Are you with us?

*Sponsors, brands and partners, if you’re keen to get involved, see our contact page or please email us

Let’s talk about how we can work together to showcase our country and encourage others to explore South Africa.

About TazzDiscovers 134 Articles
We are a family of four with a passion for our beautiful and diverse South Africa. Because of our passion for Cape Town, we love exploring and taking pictures as we grow and spend time together as a family. Our kids are 14 and 17 respectively and have had access to the most amazing opportunities through our little blog and this is something we are incredibly grateful for. We have seen them grow and mature since we started travelling and has turned them into little connoisseurs of all things wonderful in South Africa. If you would like a family perspective on your business or location, we would love to work with you. Feel free to reach out via email:


  1. Why don’t you look at staying at campsites a lot cheaper, and there are some beautiful places around SA, will save you a fortune, just a thought.

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